Why might I need to clear my cache?
When you browse the internet, small footprints from a site will be stored by your browser, which you'll probably know as cookies. These are small bits of information about a page that will help it load quicker the next time you visit it, and help the site-designers and owners understand which parts of the system are more/less popular or relevant. However, if a site is updated regularly, or large amounts of data are changed within it, these cookies can get out of date quickly, and can sometimes conflict with the newly updated page that's trying to load. This is especially the case if you use bookmarks, where the wrong instance of a page may log in your browser cache, or a cached page can corrupt causing the site to misbehave.
Each browser is slightly different, so select the option that is relevant to your internet usage below.
Google Chrome
(3 steps: approximately 3 minutes)
Begin by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner. This will open a drop-down menu, where you can select the history option.
This will open an extended menu, where you click the History option. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl & H on your Keyboard.
This will open a separate browser tab. On the left-hand side click the Clear browsing data option.
This will open a new tab, and a window will open in the centre asking you to choose how far back you wish to data-cleanse (we recommend the last 4 weeks). When ready, click the Clear data option.
Microsoft Edge
(3 steps: approximately 2 minutes)
Begin by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner. This will open a drop-down menu, where you can select the history option. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl & H on your Keyboard.
This will open a separate drop-down menu. Click the three menu dots, and select the Clear browsing data option.
This will open a new tab, and a window will open in the centre asking you to choose how far back you wish to data-cleanse (we recommend the last 4 weeks). When ready, click the Clear Now option.
Mozilla Firefox
(3 steps: approximately 2 minutes)
Begin by clicking the three lines in the top-right corner. This will open a drop-down menu, where you can select the history option.
This will convert into a new drop-down menu where you select the Clear recent history… option.
This will open a new tab, and a window will open in the centre asking you to choose how far back you wish to data-cleanse, and giving you options as to what you want to be removed (we recommend Browsing history, Cookies and Cache only so you do not lose any saved forms or logins). When ready, click the OK option.
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Users who still operate Internet Explorer as their primary web-browser may experience system difficulty. Because Microsoft are retiring Internet Explorer as a supported tool, we will no longer be able to support it in Key2Key. We recommend moving to a more update browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.