Key2Key offers a comprehensive search suite, allowing you to search customer details, asset descriptions, finance elements, and proposal features. Searches can be used independently or in conjunction with each other, and can be accessed by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the Key2Key task-bar.
Search menu overview
The search menu opens as an overlay window that will filter the list you’re currently viewing. If you are not currently viewing a customer list (i.e.: you are viewing the dashboard or a details page) then clicking the search icon will default to searching your entire customer database.
Search Categories
Each category in the search overlay is designed to help you filter your list in a particular way, and can be used in isolation, or as part of an integrated search with elements from other categories.
Search Chips
Search chips will accrue as you add more criteria and parameters to your search. The more sophisticated your search becomes, the more chips will display in your search overlay.
Saved Searches
Searches you will use on a regular basis can be saved for one-click recall. This can be particularly useful if the search involves a wide array of parameters or criteria which would be time-consuming to re-enter on a regular basis.
When your search criteria are all in place and applied to your database, the resulting list page will reflect those parameters. Your list is now ready for prospecting, assigning to colleagues, adding to a campaign, or loading/building a proposal to apply to your customers.